Sunday, November 14, 2010

An Answered Prayer

His mighty power works in me.....after  six months, my only prayer is for Him to guide me in my journey. In the past weeks I would say I only pray for one thing, for Him not to let me feel the pain I felt 6 mos. ago, I would say that was the biggest heartache I ever have.
And i want it to be the last, the next time I fall I want it to last. I admit that in weeks past, one person seems to bother me, and yes i prayed for him.
My prayers have been answered, the answer is so clear and God indeed does not want me to go through another hell of brokeness.
Signs i asked when he came, it all deceived me to a YES he is the one, but signs are not enough when you don't trully pray for it. And when I did, he showed me an answer that up to this very day challenge me, maybe he came into my life for me to help him, if I can be of help, I'll willingly do it.

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